Friday, February 15, 2013

Ms. Krista Heim, a teacher candidate from Minnesota State Univerity-Mankato, has joined our classroom.  She will be spending lots of time with us and teaching many lessons.  We are excited to have her with us :-)
         Our 100th Day Celebration
We used our counting mats to count out 100 pieces of snack.  We made 100 tally marks, made necklaces with 100 fruit loops, and counted 100 items we brought from home.  We also worked together to make 100 snowflakes.  Each table made 25 snowflakes that were a different color - we had to work together to get them all done.  It was a great way to show how well we could cooperate with our tablemates :-)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

 We had some fun with our 100 day celebration.  We turned our 5 and 6 year old faces into 100 year old faces and then wrote about what our lives might be like when we are 100 years old.